In-doped gallium oxide micro- and nanostructures: morphology, structure, and luminescence properties

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The influence of indium doping on morphology, structural, and luminescence properties of gallium oxide micro- and nanostructures is reported. Indium-doped gallium oxide micro- and nanostructures have been grown by thermal oxidation of metallic gallium in the presence of indium oxide. The dominant morphologies are beltlike structures, which in many cases are twisted leading to springlike structures, showing that In diffusion in Ga2O3 influences the microstructure shapes. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy has revealed the presence of twins in the belts, and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy in the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) has detected a segregation of indium impurities at the edges of planar structures. These results suggest that indium plays a major role in the observed morphologies and support the assumption of a layer by layer model as growth mechanism. An additional assessment of indium influence on the defect structure has been performed by cathodoluminescence in the SEM, X-ray photoelectron microscopy, and spatially resolved Raman spectroscopy.
© 2012 American Chemical Society. This work has been supported by MICINN through projects MAT2009-07882 and CSD2009-0013 and by BSCH-CM (Project GR35-10A-910146). The authors are grateful to Dr. Luca Gregoratti at the Sincrotron Trieste for useful advises on XPS measurements.
Unesco subjects
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