Study of thermal treated a-Si implanted with Er and O ions

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Visible luminescence of amorphous silicon layers either implanted with Er or co-implanted with Er and O and subsequently annealed in nitrogen has been investigated by cathodoluminescence (CL) in a scanning electron microscope. Co-implanted samples show a more intense luminescence, which is revealed by annealing at lower temperatures than the samples implanted only with erbium. Thermal treatments cause the formation of erbium oxide as well as Er-Si complexes or precipitates. Violet-blue luminescence has been found from CL images and spectra to be related to Er-Si precipitates. Emission in the green-red range is attributed to oxide species.
© 2002 IOP Publishing Ltd. This work has been supported byMCYT (ProjectMAT2000-2119). RP acknowledgesMECD for the research grant SB2000-0164. Conference on Extended Defects in Semiconductors (EDS 2002)(2002. Bologna, Italia)
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