First inventory of lichens and lichenicolous fungi in the Khosrov Forest State Reserve, Armenia

Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
In 2015, an international lichenological excursion to Armenia was organized by the Young Biologists Association NGO and Organization for the Phyto-Taxonomic Investigation of the Mediterranean Area. One of the main goals of this excursion was to study lichen diversity of the Khosrov Forest State Reserve. As a result of this inventory, 176 species of lichenized and lichenicolous fungi have been found in the protected area. Out of these, 49 are reported for the first time from Armenia: Acarospora versicolor, Agonimia tristicula, Anema decipiens, Arctomia fascicularis, Arthonia intexta, A. phaeophysciae, Aspicilia cf. glomerulans, A. intermutans, Bacidina arnoldiana, Bagliettoa calciseda, Bilimbia sabuletorum, Blennothallia crispa, Chrysopsora testacea, Collema subflaccidum, Diploschistes gypsaceus, Endocarpon pusillum, Gonohymenia nigritella, G. schleicheri, Gyalolechia juniperina, Immersaria iranica, Lecania rabenhorstii, Lecanora barkmaniana, L. juniperina, L. semipallida, Leprocaulon microscopicum, Llimoniella phaeophysciae, Lobothallia recedens, Peccania coralloides, Peltula euploca, Physconia thorstenii, Piccolia ochrophora, Placidium lacinulatum, Placopyrenium fuscellum, Psorotichia schaereri, Rinodina colobina, R. obnascens, Scytinium gelatinosum, S. turgidum, Solenopsora holophaea, Thermutis velutina, Toninia candida, T. squalida, Tremella phaeophysciae, Usnea lapponica, U. wasmuthii, Verrucaria dolosa, V. macrostoma, Xanthoparmelia protomatrae and X. tinctina.