Salivary biomarkers of stress in psychological patients on fluoxetine therapy

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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
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In the last recent decades, stress has become an inevitable part plaguing the daily lives. Psychological stress has a negative impact over physical, mental and social well-being of a person. It has been suggested to play an important role in causation or precipitation of multitude of medical and dental problems ranging from serious heart diseases, cancers, gastrointestinal diseases, to common headaches, migraine, recurrent oral ulcerations, burning and dry mouth. In order to better understand the role of stress, valid and reliable measurement of stress is of utmost importance. Since, most of methods used for the diagnosis of stress are questionnaires form (subjective methods) which depend on person and there is many inter individual variation between subjects, thus there is increased need of biological stress markers to provide an objective, reliable and authentic evidence of stress. Self-reporting subjective questionnaire forms in stress evaluation and as psychological diagnostic mean provide highly inconsistent results according to patient’s mood and attitude. And this is because many individuals suffering from stress related problems have a tendency to either negate or exaggerate the real condition; which may lead to a deviation in the study and discompose the results. Thus there is a high need for studying the changes caused by stress in the human body to evaluate the usefulness of the bio physiological indicators or biomarkers to provide a reliable objective evaluation and assessment of a stress and psychologically related conditions. Salivary biomarkers are one of most widely researched area of interest because it might to provide a reliable, noninvasive and objective measurements of the response of the body, also because of easy and rapid collection of samples compared to the blood and urine samples thereby increasing the patient compliance. Many biomarkers have been used in determination of stress such as cortisol levels, immunoglobulins, cardiovascular parameters. Studies showed there is an evidence of sensitivity of SAA levels in response to different stressful conditions, physically and psychologically...
En las Ăºltimas dĂ©cadas, el estrĂ©s se ha convertido en un problema, en cierta forma inevitable, que afecta de forma negativa a la vida cotidiana. El estrĂ©s psicolĂ³gico tiene un impacto negativo sobre el bienestar fĂ­sico, mental y social de una persona. Se ha sugerido que puede desempeñar un papel importante en la causalidad o precipitaciĂ³n de multitud de problemas mĂ©dicos y odontolĂ³gicos que van desde graves enfermedades del corazĂ³n, cĂ¡ncer, enfermedades gastrointestinales, dolores de cabeza, migrañas, ulceraciones orales recurrentes, sequedad de boca, etc. Para entender mejor el papel del estrĂ©s en la vida de los ciudadanos y proceder a su control, es necesario disponer de mĂ©todos de medida fiables y objetivos. En la actualidad, la mayorĂ­a de los mĂ©todos de diagnĂ³stico psicolĂ³gicos utilizados consisten en cuestionarios, que por lo general recogen la percepciĂ³n de los sĂ­ntomas del estrĂ©s por el propio paciente. Por tanto, al tratarse de una evaluaciĂ³n subjetiva, proporcionan resultados muy inconsistentes, ya que los datos obtenidos dependen del estado de Ă¡nimo y la actitud de los propios pacientes. Son numerosas las personas con estrĂ©s que tienen tendencia a negar o exagerar su condiciĂ³n real, lo que puede conducir a una desviaciĂ³n en el estudio y a un error en los resultados obtenidos. Parece clara por tanto la necesidad de encontrar indicadores biofisiolĂ³gicos o biormarcadores que sean fiables, representativos y objetivos de los cambios ocurridos en el organismo como consecuencia del estado de estrĂ©s y que permitan ademĂ¡s el seguimiento de su tratamiento. Entre ellos, los biomarcadores salivales han sido ampliamente investigados al consistir en una medida no invasiva y sencilla, que permite una fĂ¡cil recogida de muestras, si se compara con otras como la de sangre u orina. Su facilidad contribuye de manera decisiva al cumplimiento por parte de los pacientes...
Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Farmacia, Departamento de Farmacología, leída el 07-06-2017
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