Hybrid nanoparticles for magnetic and plasmonic hyperthermia

Research Projects
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Journal Issue
The present manuscript reports the use of hybrid magneto-plasmonic nanoparticles (HMPNPs) based on iron oxide nanoparticles and Au nanorods as colloidal nanoheaters. The individual synthesis of the magnetic and plasmonic components allowed optimizing their features for heating Performance separately, before they were hybridized. Besides, a detailed characterization and finite element simulations were carried out to explain the interaction effects observed between the phases of the HMPNPs. The study also analyzed the heating power of these nanostructures when they were excited with infrared light and AC magnetic fields, and compared this with the heating power of their plasmonic and magnetic components. In the latter case, the AC magnetization curves revealed that the magnetic dipolar interactions increase the amount of heat released by the hybrid nanostructures.
© The Royal Society of Chemistry. The authors would like to thank the Dr. Ueslen Silva and Prof. Daniel Jaque for their help with the initial test of these systems. This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation: MAT2015-67557-C2-2-P and MAT2015-67557-C2-2-P. Financial support from COST Action TD1402 RADIOMAG for a STSM at LPCNO, Tolouse, is also acknowledged.
UCM subjects
Física de materiales
Unesco subjects