Spanish and Latin American studies on the economy of contemporary Taiwan : a bibliographical survey.

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Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales. Decanato
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The paper surveys the state of the art of Taiwanese economic studies in Spain and Latin America. It lists the researchers, institutions and publications dealing with Taiwan's contemporary economy in the main Universities and Institutions. At present the degree of organization of Taiwanese studies is much less developed in Spain and Latin America than in France, Germany, and, of course, UK and USA. Nevertheless, after belated and uneasy beginnings, these studies have recently matured. But they are still an emerging field, which should be vigorously developed in order to encompass them to the much more advanced activities of other European and North American researchers. Finally, the paper offers a few suggestions directed to consolidate and develop Taiwanese studies in Spain. A closer relationship between Spanish and Taiwanese research institutions is surely needed in order to attain this goal.
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