Geodetic Control of the Present Tectonics Deformation of the Betic Cordillers (Spain).

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Journal Issue
The Betic Cordillera, located in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, is currently subjected to NW-SE compression and NE-SW extension. Until a few years ago, there were hardly any geodetic studies to quantify the tectonic deformation taking place in the Betic Cordillera. In 1999, in the framework of an interdisciplinary research project to monitor the deformation, several geodetic studies were initiated by the Universities of Jaén, Granada and Alicante. These studies were centred on the basins of Granada and the Bajo Segura (Alicante), sectors in which the last two destructive earthquakes in the Iberian Peninsula took place. This paper describes the geodynamic context of these study areas and the main features of the geodetic studies, focusing on the deformation analysis of the three observation surveys carried out in 1999, 2000 and 2001 over a non-permanent GPS network established in the Granada Basin. The results agree with the low rates of deformation previously calculated from geological data. To detect such small rates, observation over a longer time span will be needed.
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