Economía (étnica) y sociedad. Inmigración y trabajo por cuenta propia en la sociología contemporánea

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Este artículo tiene como objetivo realizar un recorrido por las distintas y más significativas formulaciones (y reformulaciones) de la sociología de la empresarialidad étnica contemporánea, analizando su capacidad para explicar sociológicamente el fenómeno de las redes empresariales de las poblaciones étnicamente minoritarias. Nuestra hipótesis de trabajo sostiene que en las principales aproximaciones de la sociología de la empresarialidad étnica, pese a la heterogeneidad de sus propuestas, existirían lugares comunes que van más allá de compartir un mismo objeto formal de estudio. Estos lugares comunes (afinidad, comunitarismo, excepcionalidad étnica) conllevarían importantes limitaciones explicativas (inmediatismo, culturalismo, etnificación) que las distintas reformulaciones efectuadas habrían logrado pulir pero no hacer desaparecer. El artículo concluye reivindicando la necesidad de repensar los términos en los que este campo de estudio ha sido definido y transitado. ABSTRACT: The aim of this article is to examine the most significant formulations and reformulations of contemporary sociology of ethnic entrepreneurship, analysing their capacity to provide an explanation in sociological terms for the entrepreneurial networks of minority ethnic groups. Our working hypothesis is that, despite the varying nature of their proposals, the main approaches of the sociology of ethnic entrepreneurship share certain features beyond the fact that they deal with the same area of study. These common features (affinity, communitarism, ethnic exception) involve major explanatory limitations (culturalism, ethnification and a focus on the present or presentism) and, although various reformulations have attempted to counteract them, they have not succeeded in eliminating them completely. The article concludes by insisting on the need for us to rethink the terms in which this field of study is defined and approached.
The aim of this article is to examine the most significant formulations and reformulations of contemporary sociology of ethnic entrepreneurship, analysing their capacity to provide an explanation in sociological terms for the entrepreneurial networks of minority ethnic groups. Our working hypothesis is that, despite the varying nature of their proposals, the main approaches of the sociology of ethnic entrepreneurship share certain features beyond the fact that they deal with the same area of study. These common features (affinity, communitarism, ethnic exception) involve major explanatory limitations (culturalism, ethnification and a focus on the present or presentism) and, although various reformulations have attempted to counteract them, they have not succeeded in eliminating them completely. The article concludes by insisting on the need for us to rethink the terms in which this field of study is defined and approached.
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