Self-similar solutions with compactly supported profile of some nonlinear Schrödinger equations

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Department of Mathematics Texas State University
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“Sharp localized” solutions (i.e. with compact support for each given time t) of a singular nonlinear type Schrödinger equation in the whole space R N are constructed here under the assumption that they have a self-similar structure. It requires the assumption that the external forcing term satisfies that f(t, x) = t−(p−2)/2F (t−1/2x) for some complex exponent p and for some profile function F which is assumed to be with compact support in R N . We show the existence of solutions of the form u(t, x) = t p/2U(t−1/2x), with a profile U, which also has compact support in R N . The proof of the localization of the support of the profile U uses some suitable energy method applied to the stationary problem satisfied by U after some unknown transformation.
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