Optical design for MEGARA: a multi-object spectrograph for the GTC

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SPIE-Int Soc Optical Engineering
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MEGARA is a multi-object spectrograph project for the 10.4m Gran Telescopio Canarias with medium to high resolution: R ~ 5600 - 17000. The instrument operates in three modes that cover different sky areas and that can run simultaneously: (1) the compact mode through a large central Integral Field Unit with minimum fiber pitch, covering a field of view on sky of 12 arcsec × 14 arcsec, (2) the sparse mode with fibers covering 1 arcmin × 1arcmin in three pointings and (3) the dispersed mode with a grid of nearly 100 robotics positioners able to place 7-fiber minibundles over a large field of view of 3.5 arcmin × 3.5 arcmin. The spectrograph is composed by a pseudo-slit, where the fibers are placed simulating a long slit; a slit shutter is placed just behind the pseudo-slit, a collimator, a 162mm pupil where the volume phase holographic gratings are placed, and the camera with the detector. Here we describe the spectrograph optical rationale, the conceptual optical design and the expected system performance.
© SPIE-Int Soc Optical Engineering. Congress of the International Commission for Optics: Light for the Development of the World (22. 2011.Puebla, Mexico)
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