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Highly-Bioreactive Silica-Based Mesoporous Bioactive Glasses Enriched with Gallium(III)


Sánchez Salcedo, S., Malavasi, G., Salinas Sánchez, A. J. et al. «Highly-Bioreactive Silica-Based Mesoporous Bioactive Glasses Enriched with Gallium(III)». Materials, vol. 11, n.o 3, marzo de 2018, p. 367. DOI.org (Crossref), https://doi.org/10.3390/ma11030367.


Beneficial effects in bone cell growth and antibacterial action are currently attributed to Ga3+ ions. Thus, they can be used to upgrade mesoporous bioactive glasses (MBGs), investigated for tissue engineering, whenever they released therapeutic amounts of gallium ions to the surrounding medium. Three gallium-enriched MBGs with composition (in mol%) xSiO2–yCaO–zP2O5–5Ga2O3, being x = 70, y = 15, z = 10 for Ga_1, x = 80, y = 12, z = 3 for Ga_2 and x = 80, y = 15, z = 0 for Ga_3, were investigated and compared with the gallium-free 80SiO2–15CaO–5P2O5 MBG (B). 29Si and 31P MAS NMR analyses allow determining that Ga3+ acts as network modifier in the glass regions with higher polymerization degree and as network former in the zones with high concentration of classical modifiers (Ca2+ ions). Ga_1 and Ga_2 exhibited a quick in vitro bioactive response because they were coated by an apatite-like layer after 1 and 3 days in simulated body fluid. Although we have not conducted biological tests in this paper (cells or bacteria), Ga_1 released high but non-cytotoxic amounts of Ga3+ ions in Todd Hewitt Broth culture medium that were 140 times higher than the IC90 of P. aeruginosa bacteria demonstrating its potential for tissue engineering applications.

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Journal Issue


RESEARCHER ID N-4501-2014 (Sandra Sánchez Salcedo) ORCID 0000-0002-1889-2057 (Sandra Sánchez Salcedo) RESEARCHER ID M-3316-2014 (Antonio Salinas Sánchez) ORCID 0000-0002-8408-3389 (Antonio Salinas Sánchez) RESEARCHER ID M-3378-2014 (María Vallet Regí) ORCID 0000-0002-6104-4889 (María Vallet Regí)

