Didactic and Divulgative Resources of the Middle Triassic Vertebrate Tracksite of Los Arroturos (Province of Guadalajara, Spain)

Research Projects
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Journal Issue
The Middle Triassic reptile tracksite of Los Arroturos (Guadalajara, Spain) provides a high scientific and didactic interest. In this site, numerous tracks and trackways of rauisuchian archosaurs are preserved, being an especially characteristic site in the Triassic of Spain. The tracksite is very useful for developing educational goals, such as fieldtrips and teaching activities. In this work, some fieldtrips have been carried out for students of primary and secondary school levels. These type of activities offer a great opportunity to promote interest in geosciences and improve awareness about the importance of palaeontological heritage. Nevertheless, this tracksite is extremely vulnerable, and suffers from continuous degradation caused by weathering. The plan to develop it as an educational site relies on its survival; however, if no adequate protection is provided, the tracks will quickly be completely deteriorated. It is necessary to take urgent measures to protect this site. The surrounding area offers an outstanding cultural heritage and it would be interesting to publicise this tracksite as well as using this publicity to promote its protection.
UCM subjects
Unesco subjects