España en los años 70 y 80: una visión crítica. II.- Artes
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Las décadas de los setenta y ochenta en España experimentaron una profunda transformación creativa. Como periodista, el autor participó directamente, y aquí se presenta una recopilación de sus artículos de por entonces. En esta segunda sección se incluyen los que abordan medios artísticos: fotografía (con estudios generales y sobre autores), pintura (con los muralistas), cine, televisión, y especialmente teatro (realzando la labor de los grupos independientes). Por entonces irrumpieron en España los movimientos de vanguardia, que se mantenían ocultos: en arte a partir de los Encuentros de Pamplona (1972) y en teatro con el Festival Mundial (1971). Los trabajos de crítica artística fueron publicados en las desaparecidas revistas Triunfo, Cambio 16 y Psicodeia; y los teatrales en Cambio 16, Sábado Gráfico y Reseña de Literatura, Arte y Espectáculos.
The 1970s and 1980s in Spain underwent a profound creative transformation. As a journalist, the author participated directly, and here is a compilation of his articles from then. This second section includes those addressing artistic means: photography (with general studies and on authors), painting (with muralists), film, television, and especially theatre (enhancing the work of independent groups). At that time the avant-garde movements, which remained hidden, openly broke into Spain: in art since the Meetings of Pamplona (1972) and in theater with the World Festival (1971). Works of artistic criticism were published in magazines that no longer exist: Triunfo, Cambio 16 y Psicodeia; and theatrical reviews in Cambio 16, Sábado Gráfico and Reseña de Literatura, Arte y Espectáculos.
The 1970s and 1980s in Spain underwent a profound creative transformation. As a journalist, the author participated directly, and here is a compilation of his articles from then. This second section includes those addressing artistic means: photography (with general studies and on authors), painting (with muralists), film, television, and especially theatre (enhancing the work of independent groups). At that time the avant-garde movements, which remained hidden, openly broke into Spain: in art since the Meetings of Pamplona (1972) and in theater with the World Festival (1971). Works of artistic criticism were published in magazines that no longer exist: Triunfo, Cambio 16 y Psicodeia; and theatrical reviews in Cambio 16, Sábado Gráfico and Reseña de Literatura, Arte y Espectáculos.
Recopilación de artículos periodísticos del autor