Aviso: Se están llevando a cabo tareas de mantenimiento y mejora en Docta Complutense, y ello está provocando que no funcione con normalidad; además tiene problemas de rendimiento, esperamos que hoy se solucione el problema. Disculpen las molestias

Matrix tablets based on a novel poly (magnesium acrylate) hydrogel for the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases


Simancas Herbada, R., Torres Suárez, A. I., Otero Espinar, F. et al. «Matrix Tablets Based on a Novel Poly (Magnesium Acrylate) Hydrogel for the Treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases». International Journal of Pharmaceutics, vol. 608, octubre de 2021, p. 121121. DOI.org (Crossref), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpharm.2021.121121.


The objective of this work was to evaluate the potential use of a new polymer (PAMgA) in the development sustained release matrix tablets for the treatment of bowel inflammatory diseases. For this purpose, budesonide, a highly lipophilic compound, was used as model drug. Tablets with two reticulation grades of PAMgA (PAMgA 5 and 40) and with 9 mg of budesonide were developed and characterized. All the studies were carried out using biorelevant media (FaSSGF and FaSSIF). Swelling and erosion of PAMgA tablets was influenced by the reticulation grade of the polymer and the biorelevant media assayed, being water uptake higher for PAMgA 40 tablets in intestinal fluid, whereas PAMgA 5 showed more intense erosion in this biorelevant medium. Budesonide was released slowly from PAMgA tablets, both in gastric and intestinal environment, following Super case II transport kinetics (relaxation-controlled delivery), with a lag time of around 1–2 h. When the dissolution medium was changed sequentially throughout the trial, 75% of the budesonide dose was released in a sustained manner between 4 and 20 h of testing from PAMgA tablets, showing a more controlled budesonide release than Entocort® and Budenofalk® (commercially available sustained release formulations of budesonide). In conclusion, PAMgA polymer allows controlling the release of highly lipophilic drugs as budesonide, being an useful excipient for the development of sustained release matrix tablets.

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Journal Issue


CRUE-CSIC (Acuerdos Transformativos 2021)

