El nuevo estado industrial en España: la profesionalización de los directores de empresa durante el desarrollismo
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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
La liberalización económica y la apertura al exterior que incorporaba el Plan de Estabilización de julio de 1959 plantearon asimismo diversas interrogantes entre expertos acerca de cuál habría de ser el modelo de director de empresa tras el fin de la autarquía en España. El “modelo castizo” de economía, vigente en el país durante varias décadas, resultaba incompatible con la posible incorporación a una Europa inmersa en un proceso de elevado crecimiento económico (“Golden Age”), condicionando aquél tanto actitudes como modos de organización empresariales que comenzaban a caducar. En este sentido, aparte de un conjunto de opiniones formuladas por parte de ciertos economistas españoles de prestigio, hubo necesariamente que prestar atención a las diferentes teorías foráneas acerca de la función directiva, entre las que destacaba la teoría de la tecnoestructura del profesor de Harvard John Kenneth Galbraith, sustentada en su obra El nuevo estado industrial (1967). Según esta teoría, el imperativo tecnológico resultante de la postguerra occidental originaba el nacimiento de una burocracia empresarial al servicio de éste, con sus propios intereses, y en estrecha colaboración con el Estado. La tecnoestructura tuvo un amplio reconocimiento público, pero también múltiples críticas, sobre todo desde el ámbito académico, dentro y fuera de su país de origen, los Estados Unidos de América. Este debate económico, político y empresarial también se trasladó a España, desde que a mitad de la década de 1950 se publicaron los primeros libros de Galbraith, hasta el final de la dictadura de Franco, cuando el autor institucionalista y keynesiano procedía a la continuación de su teoría a través de otros conocidos títulos suyos; desde los preludios de la citada operación estabilizadora hasta el ocaso de la planificación indicativa, aproximadamente. En suma, el objetivo de esta tesis es estudiar la influencia de Galbraith en nuestro país durante la segunda etapa –más aperturista desde el punto de vista económico- del franquismo, sin la intención de realizar una valoración acerca del pensamiento del economista norteamericano, ni descartar otras influencias de otros autores foráneos en España...
The Stabilization Plan of July 1959 implied opening to the world and an economic liberalization but it made the experts ask themselves about how should a company manager be after the autarky in Spain. The Spanish economic model survived for decades but was not compatible with the possible accession to Europe, which was immerse in a high economic growth process, the Golden Age. Certain attitudes and business organization methods began to expire. Besides a set of beliefs of certain Spanish prestigious economists, they had to pay attention to foreign theories about the management function, among which the theory of Technostructure of John Kenneth Galbraith stands out. He was a Harvard professor who included this term in his book “The New Industrial State” (1967). According to this theory, the technological imperative resulted from the western post war lead to a business bureaucracy to its service, with its own interests and in close cooperation with the State. The Technostructure had a wide recognition in the public, but was also heavily criticized, especially in the academic field within and beyond its country of origin, United States of America. This economic, political and business debate was also transferred to Spain from the middle of the 50s, when Galbraith published his first books, until the end of Franco’s dictatorship. Thereupon, this Keynesian and Institutionalist author continued with his theory in other well-known books, from the preludes of stabilization operation to, approximately, the closure of the indicative planning. In sum, the objective of this thesis, , is to study the influence that Galbraith had in our country during the second period of Franco’s regime - more liberal from the economic point of view- without carrying out an assessment about the ideas of the American economist nor excluding other influences of other foreign authors in Spain. We talk again about a “New Industrial State”, not only as an allusion to this author’s work, but as a way of categorizing that economy of joint interests between the State and the leading firms that arose in the Western economies from 1945 onwards...
The Stabilization Plan of July 1959 implied opening to the world and an economic liberalization but it made the experts ask themselves about how should a company manager be after the autarky in Spain. The Spanish economic model survived for decades but was not compatible with the possible accession to Europe, which was immerse in a high economic growth process, the Golden Age. Certain attitudes and business organization methods began to expire. Besides a set of beliefs of certain Spanish prestigious economists, they had to pay attention to foreign theories about the management function, among which the theory of Technostructure of John Kenneth Galbraith stands out. He was a Harvard professor who included this term in his book “The New Industrial State” (1967). According to this theory, the technological imperative resulted from the western post war lead to a business bureaucracy to its service, with its own interests and in close cooperation with the State. The Technostructure had a wide recognition in the public, but was also heavily criticized, especially in the academic field within and beyond its country of origin, United States of America. This economic, political and business debate was also transferred to Spain from the middle of the 50s, when Galbraith published his first books, until the end of Franco’s dictatorship. Thereupon, this Keynesian and Institutionalist author continued with his theory in other well-known books, from the preludes of stabilization operation to, approximately, the closure of the indicative planning. In sum, the objective of this thesis, , is to study the influence that Galbraith had in our country during the second period of Franco’s regime - more liberal from the economic point of view- without carrying out an assessment about the ideas of the American economist nor excluding other influences of other foreign authors in Spain. We talk again about a “New Industrial State”, not only as an allusion to this author’s work, but as a way of categorizing that economy of joint interests between the State and the leading firms that arose in the Western economies from 1945 onwards...
Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, leída el 24/11/2015