La representación de los espacios de vida de la mujer en el ciberfeminismo
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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Las representaciones de los Espacios de Vida de la Mujer (EVM) se han estudiado partiendo desde la estimación del feminismo en la antigüedad. Evaluando el origen conceptual del feminismo. El objetivo principal del estudio es determinar, desde la óptica del ciberfeminismo, los EVM más significativos y comprobar los que se han eclipsado. Sopesando, mediante el análisis de contenido, el cúmulo de representaciones en Cibersitios Representativos de la Mujer (CRM) con alto tráfico. Las representaciones que se encuentran en Internet de los EVM, como en otros Medios de Comunicación de Masas (MCM), alcanzan un por ciento bajo y sustancialmente desfavorecen a la mujer. Siendo así, motivo de preocupación en las propuestas propulsadas en gestiones de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU); que promueve una mayor inclusión de cibersitios con perspectiva de género. Este estudio nos da la realidad del resultado de dichas gestiones para modificar la representación negativa o escasa de la mujer. Esta tesis calcula las representaciones que se han hecho de todos los EVM en cibersitios que son precisamente una muestra de la producción de comunicación que rota en torno al eje de mujer. Determina el sentido que se le atribuye a la mujer desde la perspectiva de género y además nos permite comprender como las mujeres se representan, ellas mismas. Nos revela como resultado una superioridad de la representación del cuerpo, que genera la conclusión de que las mujeres son conceptualizadas como cuerpos. Lo que en consecuencia coloca su género en una posición de desventaja.
The representations of Women's Life Spaces (WLS) have been very seriously considered in this study, starting from the earliest time we could determine that such representations were linked to feminism. Taking into consideration the results of a documentary research especially made for this thesis with the purpose of discovering the conceptual origin of feminism, an analysis has been made of the texts where feminism was originally addressed, making a statement of the representations of WLS they contain. We used the content of these exposed analyses to establish a definite acceptation of feminism and its relationship to the WLS linked historically, from the earliest times. The main objective of this study is to determine the relevance of the representation of WLS in cyberfeminism. Weighing through content analysis the amassment of possible WLS representations in Women's Representative Websites (WRW) located in numerous countries. Extracting content from webpages exclusively of Websites with over one million quarterly visits. Weighing on the representation of WLS in WRW derived in determining the most significant spaces, while at the same time those spaces that have been eclipsed are confirmed. Only thirty percent of all the content presented on the internet, as well as in other Mass Communication Media (MCM) consists of representations of WLS substantially disfavoring women, being this a worldwide concern (as explained in the ʻMedia communication program with gender perspectiveʼ, presented by the Free North Radio Association, podcast, 2015). It has been decades since proposals promoted in conventions managed by United Nations, mobilized the responsible entities with possible solutions. Among these solutions would be the inclusion of cyber sites dedicated to women with the idea that these would be generated with a gender perspective. This study gives us the result of the efforts made in the past to try to modify the negative or low representation of women by arguing that visibility should be given to them and that visibility should favor and compensate that which is lacking due to discrimination. The cluster of representations that have been examined in the WLS have been exploited from cyber sites that are precisely a sample of the production of communication that rotates around the axis of women. The importance of analyzing the representations of the WLS with cyberfeminist optics is to determine the meaning ascribed to women from a gender perspective. Besides allowing us to understand how women represent themselves. The result of the calculation made in the study revealed and established that the WLS of the body was the most relevant and had the most weight, in an extremely significant way. Demonstrated in the conclusion that is generated from the result that the body weighs heavier in the representation of the WLS, it is that women are primarily conceptualized as a body. It is represented so above any other WLS, that its position as a body space is overwhelming. As a consequence of the repeated abuse of the representation of the female body for ages and ages, women have been a target of discrimination and marginalization. Finally, we aim to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of women by providing knowledge about the representation of their living spaces thus facilitating the understanding of those WLS. With this we hope to benefit the process of balancing gender conditions to provide a general welfare.
The representations of Women's Life Spaces (WLS) have been very seriously considered in this study, starting from the earliest time we could determine that such representations were linked to feminism. Taking into consideration the results of a documentary research especially made for this thesis with the purpose of discovering the conceptual origin of feminism, an analysis has been made of the texts where feminism was originally addressed, making a statement of the representations of WLS they contain. We used the content of these exposed analyses to establish a definite acceptation of feminism and its relationship to the WLS linked historically, from the earliest times. The main objective of this study is to determine the relevance of the representation of WLS in cyberfeminism. Weighing through content analysis the amassment of possible WLS representations in Women's Representative Websites (WRW) located in numerous countries. Extracting content from webpages exclusively of Websites with over one million quarterly visits. Weighing on the representation of WLS in WRW derived in determining the most significant spaces, while at the same time those spaces that have been eclipsed are confirmed. Only thirty percent of all the content presented on the internet, as well as in other Mass Communication Media (MCM) consists of representations of WLS substantially disfavoring women, being this a worldwide concern (as explained in the ʻMedia communication program with gender perspectiveʼ, presented by the Free North Radio Association, podcast, 2015). It has been decades since proposals promoted in conventions managed by United Nations, mobilized the responsible entities with possible solutions. Among these solutions would be the inclusion of cyber sites dedicated to women with the idea that these would be generated with a gender perspective. This study gives us the result of the efforts made in the past to try to modify the negative or low representation of women by arguing that visibility should be given to them and that visibility should favor and compensate that which is lacking due to discrimination. The cluster of representations that have been examined in the WLS have been exploited from cyber sites that are precisely a sample of the production of communication that rotates around the axis of women. The importance of analyzing the representations of the WLS with cyberfeminist optics is to determine the meaning ascribed to women from a gender perspective. Besides allowing us to understand how women represent themselves. The result of the calculation made in the study revealed and established that the WLS of the body was the most relevant and had the most weight, in an extremely significant way. Demonstrated in the conclusion that is generated from the result that the body weighs heavier in the representation of the WLS, it is that women are primarily conceptualized as a body. It is represented so above any other WLS, that its position as a body space is overwhelming. As a consequence of the repeated abuse of the representation of the female body for ages and ages, women have been a target of discrimination and marginalization. Finally, we aim to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of women by providing knowledge about the representation of their living spaces thus facilitating the understanding of those WLS. With this we hope to benefit the process of balancing gender conditions to provide a general welfare.
Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias de la Información, Sección Departamental de Sociología IV (Métodos de la Investigación y Teoría de la Comunicación), leída el 27/01/2016