Modelling and validation of cloud systems using model driven engineering, metamorphic and mutation testing

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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
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Cloud systems are supported by complex infrastructures, which consist of a wide diversity of subsystems and components like storage, virtualisation and networking. The heterogeneous nature of these systems, their size, the high number of users that concurrently request services, and the virtualisation used to give the illusion of using dedicated machines, among other factors, hamper their validationa. Unfortunately, it is not feasible to use conventional testing methods for cheking the correctness of cloud systems.The main goal of this thesis is to design methodologies and techniques for modelling and testing cloud systems. For this, the thesis combines two orthogonal techniques, Testing and Model Driven Engineering (in short, MDE) to model, validate and optimise cloud systems...
Los sistemas cloud estĆ”n formados por infraestructuras complejas, donde existe una gran diversidad de subsistemas y componentes, tales como el almacenamiento, la virtualizaciĆ³n y las redes. La heterogeneidad de estos sistemas, su amplitud, elevado nĆŗmero de ususarios que solicitan servicios de forma simultĆ”nea y la virtualizaciĆ³n utilizada para ofrecer la ilusiĆ³n de utilizar mĆ”quinas dedicadas, entre otros factores, dificultan su validaciĆ³n. Desafortunademente, utilizar mĆ©todos de Testing convencionales para comprobar la correcciĆ³n de los sistemas cloud no es factible.El objetivo principal de esta tesis es diseƱar metodologĆ­as y tĆ©cnicas para modelar y testear sistemas cloud. Para ello, esta tesis combina dos lĆ­neas ortogonales - IngenierĆ­a Dirigida por Modelos o MDE (por las siglas de Model Driven Engineeering) y Testing - Apoyadas sobre una base formal, para desarrollar metodologĆ­as y tĆ©cnicas que permitan optimizar sistemas cloud...
Tesis de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de InformƔtica, leƭda el 13-02-2020