Formación estelar en el UV en discos de galaxias de la exploración S⁴G: estrangulamiento y emisión UV extensa
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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
El Spitzer Survey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies (S4G) es una muestra limitada en volumen, en magnitud, y en tamaño, de galaxias cercanas de todos los tipos morfológicos dentro de un volumen de 40 Mpc, alcanzando una profundidad en brillo de superficie a 3.6 μm de μ[3.6] = 26.5 magarcsec−2 que corresponde a sondear las densidades de superficie de masa estelar menores a una masa solar por parsec cuadrado (Sheth et al., 2010). Partimos de la exploración S4G como nuestra muestra base, con 2352 galaxias para las cuales tenemos fotometría espacialmente resuelta en las bandas de 3,6 y 4,5 μm (Muñoz-Mateos et al., 2015). Luego recopilamos, reducimos y realizamos una fotometría cuidadosa en las imágenes de GALEX FUV y NUV disponibles públicamente.Al final, nuestra muestra GALEX/S4G comprende 1931 galaxias con fotometría de FUV y NUV,homogeneizadas a la fotometría de 3,6 y 4,5 μm. Esto corresponde a un 82% de cobertura de la muestra S4G, lo que significa que las estadísticas globales obtenidas en nuestra submuestra son similares a las de la muestra S4G y, en consecuencia, deberían ser representativas del Universo Local. El 18% faltante se debe al viñeteado de parte de estos objetos extensos en las imágenes(8%), o debido a la debilidad de sus contra-partidas UV de las que nuestro método de reducción no produjo fotometría confiable y que se excluyeron de la muestra final (10%). A pesar de la falta de datos para estas galaxias, el tamaño de la muestra se incrementa en diez veces con respecto a las muestras locales previamente disponibles, y es así el catálogo más grande de fotometría homogeneizada, resuelta espacialmente, desde el ultravioleta lejano (1516 Å) hasta el infrarrojo cercano (3,6 μm) de galaxias cercanas.Las imágenes GALEX/S4G procesadas, se complementan con otras imágenes y catálogos,como las imágenes de SDSS ugriz, las imágenes originales de Spitzer, los cubos HI y más. Los datos están disponibles públicamente a través del repositorio web de imágenes DAGAL (Detailed Anatomy of Galaxies, FP7 Marie Curie Actions project).
The S4G is a volume-,magnitude, and size-limited sample of nearby galaxies of all morphological types within a volume of 40Mpc, attaining a depth in 3.6 μm surface brightness μ[3.6]=26.5 magarcsec−2 which corresponds to be probing stellar mass surface densities of much less than 1 solarmass per square parsec (Sheth et al., 2010). We start out with the S4Gas our base sample, with 2352 galaxies for which we have spatially resolved photometry in the 3.6 and 4.5 μm bands (Muñoz-Mateos et al., 2015). We then collect, reduce, and perform careful photometry on publicly available GALEX FUV and NUV images. In the end, our GALEX/S4G sample comprises 1931 galaxies with both FUV and NUV photometry, homogenized to the 3.6 and 4.5 μmphotometry. This corresponds to 82% coverage of the S4G sample, meaning that global statistics obtained on our subsample are similar to those of the S4G sample, and consequently, should be fairly representative of the Local Universe as well. The missing 18% are either due to vignetting and/or missing tiles (8%), or dueto non-existent UV sources to which our reduction method did not yield reliable photometry and are excluded from the final sample (10%). Despite the lack of data for these galaxies, the sample size is increased by ten-fold over previously available volumetric samples, and is thus, the largest catalogue of homogenized, spatially resolved photometry from the far-ultraviolet (1516Å) to the near-infrared (3.6μm) of nearby galaxies. The processed GALEX/S4G images, are eventually complemented by other images and catalogs, such as SDSS ugriz images, the original Spitzer images, HI cubes, and more, are available online via the publicly available DAGAL (Detailed Anatomy of Galaxies, FP7Marie Curie Actions project) image repository.
The S4G is a volume-,magnitude, and size-limited sample of nearby galaxies of all morphological types within a volume of 40Mpc, attaining a depth in 3.6 μm surface brightness μ[3.6]=26.5 magarcsec−2 which corresponds to be probing stellar mass surface densities of much less than 1 solarmass per square parsec (Sheth et al., 2010). We start out with the S4Gas our base sample, with 2352 galaxies for which we have spatially resolved photometry in the 3.6 and 4.5 μm bands (Muñoz-Mateos et al., 2015). We then collect, reduce, and perform careful photometry on publicly available GALEX FUV and NUV images. In the end, our GALEX/S4G sample comprises 1931 galaxies with both FUV and NUV photometry, homogenized to the 3.6 and 4.5 μmphotometry. This corresponds to 82% coverage of the S4G sample, meaning that global statistics obtained on our subsample are similar to those of the S4G sample, and consequently, should be fairly representative of the Local Universe as well. The missing 18% are either due to vignetting and/or missing tiles (8%), or dueto non-existent UV sources to which our reduction method did not yield reliable photometry and are excluded from the final sample (10%). Despite the lack of data for these galaxies, the sample size is increased by ten-fold over previously available volumetric samples, and is thus, the largest catalogue of homogenized, spatially resolved photometry from the far-ultraviolet (1516Å) to the near-infrared (3.6μm) of nearby galaxies. The processed GALEX/S4G images, are eventually complemented by other images and catalogs, such as SDSS ugriz images, the original Spitzer images, HI cubes, and more, are available online via the publicly available DAGAL (Detailed Anatomy of Galaxies, FP7Marie Curie Actions project) image repository.
Tesis de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas. Departamento de Física de la Tierra y Astrofísica, leída el 01-06-2018