Narrativas políticas trans y lesbianas aquí (España) y allí (Ecuador)
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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
En esta tesis se indaga en los desplazamientos corporales y transnacionales de cuerpos trans en Abya Yala, y en las prácticas activistas de disidencias sexuales y de género entre Ecuador y España desde la perspectiva del feminismo descolonial. La investigación académica surge de un proceso reflexión conceptual/metodológico y de un ejercicio político que se articula con mi propia trayectoria como activista antirracista, descolonial, disidente sexual y de género no binario. La investigación doctoral se encuentra entrelazada de forma potente con mi vida personal, , mis desplazamientos geo-políticos, mi activismo y la reflexión teórica, que forman parte este trabajo de investigación al igual que los activistas transmigrantes racializados...
This dissertation inquires around bodily and transnational displacements of transpeople in Abya Yala and in their sexual and gender dissident activist practices, both in Ecuador and in Spain, from a decolonial feminist perspective. This research is the results of complex debates on a conceptual and methodological level, but also a product of my political implication. My own trajectory as an antiracist, decolonial, sexual dissident and non-binary gender activist, deeply shapes the tensions and questions at stake in this research. Indeed, this Ph.D. research is strongly entangled with my own personal life, geo-political displacements, activism and theoretical thought. They are part of this dissertation as well as the racialized trans migrant activists whose narratives I discuss here...
This dissertation inquires around bodily and transnational displacements of transpeople in Abya Yala and in their sexual and gender dissident activist practices, both in Ecuador and in Spain, from a decolonial feminist perspective. This research is the results of complex debates on a conceptual and methodological level, but also a product of my political implication. My own trajectory as an antiracist, decolonial, sexual dissident and non-binary gender activist, deeply shapes the tensions and questions at stake in this research. Indeed, this Ph.D. research is strongly entangled with my own personal life, geo-political displacements, activism and theoretical thought. They are part of this dissertation as well as the racialized trans migrant activists whose narratives I discuss here...
Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología, leída el 29-01-2021