Herramientas para la medición de la competitividad turística
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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Esta tesis doctoral se centra en el análisis de la competitividad turística desde dos perspectivas diferentes: el análisis de los flujos turísticos (capítulos 1 y 2) y la conformación de precios e innovación en el sector hotelero (capítulo 3). En el primero de ellos luego de una importante revisión de literatura sobre la forma en que ha sido abordada la medición de la competitividad turística, se propone resolver algunas carencias encontradas, especialmente en el diseño de indicadores e instrumentos para el diagnóstico competitivo de los destinos en función de la evolución de sus flujos turísticos.
Efectivamente, aunque no es tradicional en esta literatura esta clasificación, las bases teóricas para la medición de la competitividad turística pueden agruparse en el uso de determinantes, resultados e impactos del turismo. Sin embargo, la revisión de la literatura encuentra un importante hueco en el análisis de los resultados turísticos por su peculiar problemática. Por ello, se propone que, siguiendo la propuesta del Ciclo Vital del Área Turística, construir contrafactuales con los que comparar los flujos reales. Para ello, el primer capitulo plantea la adapaptación del modelo de convergencia beta condicionada, por establecer una relación inversa entre el nivel de flujo turístico y su tasa de crecimiento, como el más adecuado, además de que permite captar diferencias individuales de los destinos y captar el ciclo turístico mundial. Además, se proponen indicadores de competividad de corto, medio y largo plazo, así como de potencial turístico de los destinos que se evalúan para todos los posibles destinos turísticos mundiales a partir de información de la Organización Mundial del Turismo (OMT)...
This doctoral dissertation focuses on the analysis of tourism competitiveness from two different perspectives: the analysis of tourism flows (chapters 1 and 2) and the conformation of prices and innovation in the hotel sector (chapter 3). In the first one, after an important review of the literature on the way in which the measurement of tourist competitiveness has been approached, I try to solve some deficiencies found, especially in the design of indicators and instruments for the competitive diagnosis of destinations in function of the evolution of its tourist flows. Indeed, although this classification is not traditional in this literature, the theoretical bases for measuring tourism competitiveness can be grouped into the use of determinants, behavior and impacts of tourism. However, the literature review finds an important gap in the analysis of tourism behavior due to its peculiar problems. Therefore, it is proposed that, following the proposal of the Tourist Area Life Cycle, to construct counterfactuals with which to compare the real flows. To this aim, the first chapter proposes the adaptation of the conditional beta convergence model, by establishing an inverse relationship between the level of tourist flow and its growth rate, as the most appropriate, in addition to allowing to capture individual differences of destinations and capture the world tourism cycle. Moreover, short, medium and long-term competitiveness indicators are proposed, as well as the tourist potential of the destinations that are evaluated for all possible world tourist destinations based on information from the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)...
This doctoral dissertation focuses on the analysis of tourism competitiveness from two different perspectives: the analysis of tourism flows (chapters 1 and 2) and the conformation of prices and innovation in the hotel sector (chapter 3). In the first one, after an important review of the literature on the way in which the measurement of tourist competitiveness has been approached, I try to solve some deficiencies found, especially in the design of indicators and instruments for the competitive diagnosis of destinations in function of the evolution of its tourist flows. Indeed, although this classification is not traditional in this literature, the theoretical bases for measuring tourism competitiveness can be grouped into the use of determinants, behavior and impacts of tourism. However, the literature review finds an important gap in the analysis of tourism behavior due to its peculiar problems. Therefore, it is proposed that, following the proposal of the Tourist Area Life Cycle, to construct counterfactuals with which to compare the real flows. To this aim, the first chapter proposes the adaptation of the conditional beta convergence model, by establishing an inverse relationship between the level of tourist flow and its growth rate, as the most appropriate, in addition to allowing to capture individual differences of destinations and capture the world tourism cycle. Moreover, short, medium and long-term competitiveness indicators are proposed, as well as the tourist potential of the destinations that are evaluated for all possible world tourist destinations based on information from the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)...
Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, leída el 26/01/2021