Estrategias medioambientales y rentabilidad en las empresas multilatinas : el papel del grado de internacionalización
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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Este trabajo de investigación, “Estrategias medioambientales y rentabilidad en las empresas Multilatinas: el papel del grado de internacionalización”, tiene como objetivos en primer lugar llevar a cabo una revisión literaria de los principales constructos de la investigación: estrategia medioambiental, internacionalización regional, internacionalización global, y resultados financieros; el segundo objetivo consiste en el planteamiento de relaciones causales directas y moderadoras entre los constructos planteados; y finalmente el tercer objetivo gira en torno al contraste empírico del trabajo, ya que se decidió llevar a cabo un estudio de corte longitudinal, tomando los datos de las variables de la base Thomson Reuters Eikon, definiendo como unidad de análisis a las empresas multinacionales de origen latinoamericano, conocidas en el ámbito académico como empresas Multilatinas (Cuervo-Cazurra, 2008). El estudio vincula dos áreas de conocimiento dentro del mismo trabajo, el campo vinculado al medio ambiente y el campo vinculado a los negocios internacionales. Se valora en esta investigación el estudiar un contexto poco analizado en términos medioambientales, de internacionalización y de gestión, como lo es el contexto latinoamericano, específicamente se va a estudiar la relación de las empresas multinacionales con el medioambiente en el periodo 2012-2020 en los países de Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, México y Perú, que son los únicos países latinoamericanos incluidos dentro del Índice MSCI (Morgan Stanley Capital International) de Mercados Emergentes...
The present research, "Environmental strategies and profitability in Multilatinas companies: the role of the internationalization degree", has three objectives. The first one is to perform a literary review of the main research constructs: environmental strategy, regional internationalization, global internationalization, and financial results. The second objective includes an approach of direct and moderating causal relationships between the proposed constructs. The third objective turns around the work empirical contrast, as it was decided to carry out a longitudinal study, taking variable data from the Thomson Reuters Eikon database, defining multinational companies of Latin America origin, known in the academic field as Multilatina companies (Cuervo-Cazurra, 2008) as the unit analysis. This study links two knowledge fields within the same work, the area related to the environment and the one related to international businesses.In this research, the study of a context little investigated under the environmental, internationalization and management terms is valued, as it is the Latin American context, specifically the relationship between multinational companies with the environment in the 2012-2020 period in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, which are the only Latin American countries included in the MSCI (Morgan Stanley Capital International Index) Emerging Markets Index...
The present research, "Environmental strategies and profitability in Multilatinas companies: the role of the internationalization degree", has three objectives. The first one is to perform a literary review of the main research constructs: environmental strategy, regional internationalization, global internationalization, and financial results. The second objective includes an approach of direct and moderating causal relationships between the proposed constructs. The third objective turns around the work empirical contrast, as it was decided to carry out a longitudinal study, taking variable data from the Thomson Reuters Eikon database, defining multinational companies of Latin America origin, known in the academic field as Multilatina companies (Cuervo-Cazurra, 2008) as the unit analysis. This study links two knowledge fields within the same work, the area related to the environment and the one related to international businesses.In this research, the study of a context little investigated under the environmental, internationalization and management terms is valued, as it is the Latin American context, specifically the relationship between multinational companies with the environment in the 2012-2020 period in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, which are the only Latin American countries included in the MSCI (Morgan Stanley Capital International Index) Emerging Markets Index...
Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, leída el 10-05-2022